January 25, 2012

Salt Lake City 2012 Thomas Jefferson Education Family Forum

Come to the Salt Lake City 2012 Thomas Jefferson Education Family Forum.  Click here for more information.

I am putting together a group who are attending the conference.  If you are interested in carpooling down and/or sharing a hotel, let me know.

January 21, 2012

January's Title Swap

The Fourth Turning - William Strauss and Neil Howe
Financial Peace - Dave Ramsey
Royal Path of Life - T. L. Haines and L. W. Yaggy
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot
The 5 Love Languages of Children - Gary D. Chapman,Ross Campbell
Democracy in America, part 2 - Alexis de Tocqueville
Hitler's Private Library: The Books That Shaped His Life - Timothy Ryback
The Read -Aloud Handbook - Jim Trelease
Carnival of the Animals (music) - Saint Saens
The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra (music) - Britten
The Christmas Card (dvd)

Why Educate Mothers

"...the education of the common girl ...should be as varied and perfect as possible.  If for no other reason to enable her properly to educate and rear her own children.  Whatever grand truths are planted in the mother's mind take root in the next generation, and there grow, blossom, and shed their perfume on the world.

"The child receives the mother's very thought by intuition.  If the mother's mind is weak and narrow in range, the child is affected by this fact long before it finds any meaning in the mother's words.  But if the mother's mind is cultured and refined by study until  her thoughts are grand and far-reaching, the child's soul will grow and expand under the mesmeric influence of these thoughts, as the plant grows under the influence of the sun."

pg. 112 - 113
Volume 1